Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Evaluation Of Exploratory Factor Analysis Essay - 1240 Words

4.3 Factor Analysis Exploratory factor analyses using Varimax rotation were conducted on each of the multiple-item scales, including the exogenous constructs ( information quality, entertainment, interactivity and vividness) and endogenous constructs (cognitive engagement, affective engagement, behavioral engagement and the outcomes of this engagement-loyalty and e-WOM) as a way to refine the measures in the study. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted prior to testing the full model to identify items with poor psychometric properties and to purify the measurement model for future testing (Anderson Gerbing, 1988). A priori designations for each of the proposed antecedents of engagement (information quality, entertainment, interactivity and vividness), for loyalty, and for e-wom were employed in the analyses, given that they have been confirmed in previous studies (Mollen Wilson, 2009; O’Brien Toms, 2008; Shang et al., 2006; Shukla, 2009 ). Eigenvalues larger than one and scree plots were analyzed to assist in determining the number of factors for each construct. Additionally, the strength of factor loadings as well as face validity were analyzed to further assist in determining the items to be included for each exogenous and endogenous variables. The coefficient reliability analysis revealed that all the scales consisting of more than two items exceeded the recommended Cronbach‟s alpha benchmark of 0.70 (Nunnally, 1978). 4.4 Exploratory Factor Analysis ofShow MoreRelatedResearch Proposal1193 Words   |  5 PagesResearch Proposal 1. Proposed working title Global Marketing versus Domestic Marketing- a critical Evaluation. 2. Research Background/ Context This research is focused to understand how a Global company is able to adapt to different marketing situation that is existing in different countries. 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